Build Hilda Mobile Legend : the power of the savage from the Chief Hunter - Sijunjung Xcoder

Build Hilda Mobile Legend : the power of the savage from the Chief Hunter

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Build Hilda Mobile Legend : the power of the savage from the Chief Hunter

Maximize the power of the savage from the Chief Hunter, Hilda. Check out the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends here and the black to the tip of your enemies to death!
Now I will discuss the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends. Hilda is a fighter who could have served as an off-tank in the team. It is because Hilda has the ability to defend and attack. He has the ability to passive called Blessing of Wilderness, where he can enhance the effect of regen HP and get the shield when he was in the bush. Before entering the build items for hero Hilda, I will explain the active ability assets first.

His first active ability named Combat Ritual. Using this ability, he will get the walking speed by 30%. In addition, when this ability activates, Hilda will provide damage and slow effects affected his attack to the enemy.
The second ability is the Art of Hunting, Hilda will perform a dashing and attack the enemy. This ability you can use or activate the third attack three times and will give effect to knock back the enemy.
The last active abilities or the ability of the ultimate courtesy of Hilda is the Power of Wildness, the ability of the attack with very powerful and can cause a stun effect to the affected enemies. These capabilities can be developed or improved when you successfully kill the enemy or make assists.

That's the ability possessed by hero Hilda. Next I will discuss the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends. The following items that will be used by Hilda on the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends.

Bloodlust Axe

The first item in the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends is Bloodlust Axe. Due to all the capabilities of Hilda has a fairly high damage, then it's good you use Axe Bloodlust items. With these items, you can generate a high enough lifesteal when attacking enemies with all kemampuanmu.

Warrior Boots

The next item on the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends is a Warrior Boots. As the off-tank hero then you need a fairly high armor. Therefore, shoes that fit is used by Hilda is the Warrior Boots.

Cursed Helmet

If your team has a mage is pretty much a hero or hero mage that has high damage such as Eudora, then you need the item named Cursed Helmet. With this item you will have a fairly high magic defense. In addition, you can generate the DPS to all enemies disekitarmu based on maximum HP that you have.

Brute Force Breastplate

If you need an item that can increase the maximum HP, armor, and attack at the same time, then you need the item named Brute Force Breastplate. With this item you can amplifies itself from physical attacks at once add attack damage that you can generate. This item is suitable by the hero fighter and off-tank as Hilda.

Demon Advent

The next item on the build guide item Hilda Mobile Legends is a Demon of the Advent. These items can add maximum HP and armor also. When you have the maximum HP increase, the DPS of the Cursed Helmet items will also increase. This is very helpful in increasing the damage that you can earn while strengthening defenses as the hero off-tanks.


The last item in the build guide Hilda Mobile Legends depending on what heroes used in a team. If the enemy has more than one mage, then you need a magic defense items such as Oracle/Immortality. If the enemy has only one mage, you can use items Heart of Steel.

  • That guide the build item Hilda Mobile Legends this time, good luck

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